NewsManager for News Media

Collecting News

15 years ago, 90% of news consumed came from the large news agencies. That figure is much lower today and News sources for many people include blog sites, email, RSS, Twitter, Facebook, Google and others.
The standards used to move these news types include NewsMLG2, rNews, SMTP, and RSS MRSS.

So where do we fit in?

News Manager can automatically receive news feeds  from agencies, RSS, email, and local and remote file locations. We have been expert at this for over 40 years.

Creating the News Story  

Your news organisation has a collection of journalists, photographers, editors, managers, proof readers, sub-editors, who work together to create, review and approve the different renditions of the published story.

So where do we fit in?

NewsManager is a solution that allows many users to share content, and combine copy, images, graphics and AV files in one “Story”.
The workflow is defined by you.
You say what the rules are, who has approval to create, edit and publish content.
You say who can see shared content.  Browser versions of the core application mean your users can work anywhere, and can be used by stringers, or by contract photo or video agencies.

Publish to Web, Print and Broadcast

Publishing a story today means publising different renditions to a combiantion of newsprint, broadcast news scripts, and online news articles. For a big story there will be several versions of the different renditions.  Keeping track of all of this can be complicated and time-consuming.

So where do we fit in?

From the one “story” within our application it is possible to publish different combinations (renditions) of the content mix to a range of destinations.
It can go to a printed press release, to your web site as a news page item or a blog entry, or even a podcast. 

Confirming permissions and rights

There are a number of increasing risks covering the area of copyright, permissions, and ownership of content you publish.

So where do we fit in?

Copyright and ownership meta-data that arrives with content is preserved throughout the publishing cycle. Your own content can be automatically copyrighted,  and articles can have publish terms associated with them.

Add valuable meta-data

The competition for your news to be found, read and referred to is critical to the current business model.  Adding  meta-data is no longer an option. Descriptive meta-data is used by most search engines as well as the use of rights informations and content management information.

So where do we fit in?

There is a long evolution in the way in which descriptive meta-data is being added to ALL content. NewsManager has been at the front of this evolution, supporting the use of both industry standard controlled vocabularies, and your own lists of tags/categories/terms.  We can add any of this to images and AV items as well as to text content.

Publish to Social Media

As well as publishing to traditional destinations, you also want to promote the news article using social media.
• Upload to YouTube
• Mention it on Twitter
• Post it on Instagram
• Refer to it using Linked-in

So where do we fit in?

NewsManager supports the publishing of articles or posts about news stories to Twitter to YouTube and other major social media sites. Your problem of which sites to use as fasions change is solved by our support for ALL major sites.